Stone Name: Black TourmalineOrigin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: CapricornCHAKRA: Root ChakraPLANETS: VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 7 to 7.5 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I release negative energy and now ground myself to the earthNUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 & 4 Rune Guide - An Introduction to using...
Stone Name: Black TourmalineOrigin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: CapricornCHAKRA: Root ChakraPLANETS: VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 7 to 7.5 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I release negative energy and now ground myself to the earthNUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 & 4 Rune Guide - An Introduction to using...