Stone Name: Green AventurineOrigin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries, Gemini, TaurusCHAKRA: Heart ChakraPLANETS: Mercury & VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I maintain thymus gland and nervous system.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 Advantages of "Green Aventurine Pencil Wand" Green Aventurine is a stone of prosperity....
Stone Name: Orgone DomeOrigin: India Orgone Dome This is an Orgonite dome. It may be used for a variety of purposes and is highly adaptable. You can utilize it to charge your...
Stone Name: Massage RollerOrigin: India Crystal Massage Roller This gemstone roller is made of high-quality, handcrafted jade and has gold hardware. There's a big roller on the cheeks, jaw, and forehead, as...
Stone Name: Green AventurineOrigin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: LibraCHAKRA: Heart ChakraPLANETS: Mercury & VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I maintain thymus gland and nervous system.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 Tree Pendant: The Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant is a lovely addition to any...
Stone Name: Green AventurineOrigin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries, Gemini, TaurusCHAKRA: Heart ChakraPLANETS: Mercury & VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I maintain thymus gland and nervous system.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 This is a lovely Reiki Healing Wand made of genuine gemstone crystal...
Stone Name: Green AventurineOrigin: India 200 Chips M Seal Tree Size: 7-8 Inches 250 Chips M Seal Tree Size: 7-8 Inches 350 Chips M Seal Tree Size: 7-8 Inches LOT SIZES: 10...
Stone Name: Unakite Origin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Scorpio CHAKRA: Heart Chakra & Third Eye ChakraPLANETS: Mars & VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 6 to 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: It may assist in the formation of soul-deep connections.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 9 Raw Stone Raw crystals can also be used...
Stone Name: Unakite Origin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Scorpio CHAKRA: Heart Chakra & Third Eye ChakraPLANETS: Mars & VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 6 to 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: It may assist in the formation of soul-deep connections.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 9 Raw Stone Raw crystals can also be used...
Stone Name: AmazoniteOrigin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Virgo, AquariusCHAKRA: Heart & Throat ChakraPLANETS: VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 6 to 6.5 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I can achieve anything I set my mind to.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 5 "Cabochon" Meaning A "cabochon" is a stone that has been...