Stone Name: Fancy JasperOrigin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries and ScorpioCHAKRA: Root chakraPLANETS: JupiterMOHS HARDNESS: 2 to 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I make steady progress in improving my health and overall wellbeing, and allow ease in dealing with daily life.NUMERICAL...
Stone Name: CitrineOrigin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: SagittariusCHAKRA: Sacral ChakraPLANETS: JupiterMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: My life is filled with light, joy, enthusiasm and creativity.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 6 Citrine Citrine is the perfect stone for those who are looking to manifest abundance and financial...
Stone Name: Yellow Aventurine Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries CHAKRA: Sacral & Solar Plexus Chakra PLANETS: Venus MOHS HARDNESS: 7 Hardness NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 Yellow Aventurine Yellow Aventurine is a beautiful yellow-hued stone that has...
Stone Name: White SeleniteOrigin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: TaurusCHAKRA: Crown ChakraPLANETS: MoonMOHS HARDNESS: 2 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I want to protect and seal my aura. NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 8 White Selenite A Selenite Sphere is a beautiful and unique decoration for any home....
Stone Name: VessoniteOrigin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Sagittarius, CapricornsCHAKRA: Heart ChakraPLANETS: VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 6.5 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I easily release thought patterns which no longer serve me.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 2 Vessonite Vessonite is a gemstone that is part of the tourmaline family. It is...
Stone Name: Tiger EyeOrigin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: CapricornCHAKRA: Sacral & Solar Plexus ChakraPLANETS: Sun & MarsMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am filled with warmth and light.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 4 & 8 Tiger Eye Tiger Eye is a beautiful stone that has a golden-brown...
Stone Name: Sunstone Origin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN:, Libra, LeoCHAKRA: Sacral & Solar Plexus ChakraPLANETS: SunMOHS HARDNESS: 6 to 6.5 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am proud of the person that I amNUMERICAL VIBRATION: 1 Sunstone Sunstone is known as a stone of good...
Stone Name: SodaliteOrigin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: SagittariusCHAKRA: Throat & Third Eye ChakraPLANETS: Moon & VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 5.5 to 6 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am guided by logic and intuition.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 4 Sodalite Sodalite is a beautiful, blue mineral that has been used since...
Stone Name: Rose QuartzOrigin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN:, Libra, TaurusCHAKRA: Heart ChakraPLANETS: VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am open to receive love. My heart is filled with peace, tolerance, forgiveness and kindness.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 7 Rose Quartz Rose Quartz is...
Stone Name: Red JasperOrigin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries, ScorpioCHAKRA: Root ChakraPLANETS: MarsMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am open to all that is around me and all that is within meNUMERICAL VIBRATION: 6 Red Jasper Red jasper is known as The...
Stone Name: Red Aventurine Origin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: AriesCHAKRA: Root & Sacral ChakraPLANETS: MarsMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am open to new possibilities and experiences.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 Red Aventurine Red Aventurine is also said to be helpful for clearing negative energy...
Stone Name: Rainbow Moonstone'sOrigin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: CancerCHAKRA: Third Eye & Crown ChakraPLANETS: Moon & SaturnMOHS HARDNESS: 6 to 6.5 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am balanced and in tune to my emotions.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 77 Rainbow Moonstone Rainbow moonstone is also said to...
Stone Name: Pyrite Origin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: LeoCHAKRA: Solar Plexus ChakraPLANETS: MarsMOHS HARDNESS: 6 to 6.5 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I succeed in all my endeavors.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 Pyrite Pyrite, also known as fool's gold, is a mineral with a range of healing...
Stone Name: Peach MoonstoneOrigin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: CancerCHAKRA: Sacral ChakraPLANETS: JupiterMOHS HARDNESS: 6.5 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I encompass feminine grace and beauty even through troubled times. NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 77 Peach Moonstone Peach Moonstone is a more inward-loving mineral and helps reignite...
Stone Name: Moss AgateOrigin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: GeminiCHAKRA: Heart ChakraPLANETS: MercuryMOHS HARDNESS: 2 to 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am abundant in love, health, and wealth.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 1 Moss agate Moss agate is a type of agate that is characterized...
Stone Name: MaryamOrigin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: LeoCHAKRA: Sacral ChakraPLANETS: MarsMOHS HARDNESS: 5.5 HardnessAFFIRMATION: It is a powerful practice for raising your vibration and aligning with your highest self.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 9 Maryam The Maryam stone gives one the...
Stone Name: Mahogany ObsidianOrigin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Libra, ScorpioCHAKRA: Root & Sacral ChakraPLANETS: Earth MOHS HARDNESS: 5 to 5.5 HardnessNUMERICAL VIBRATION: 4 Mahogany Obsidian Mahogany obsidian is a type of black obsidian that is characterized by its deep red or brown...
Stone Name: Lepidolite Origin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: LibraCHAKRA: Third Eye,& Solar Plexus ChakraPLANETS: Jupiter, NeptuneMOHS HARDNESS: 2.5 to 3 HardnessNUMERICAL VIBRATION: 8 Lepidolite Lepidolite's lilac, lavender, and mauve colors are due to the presence of Lithium within the stone....
Stone Name: Lapis LazuliOrigin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Sagittarius, Libra CHAKRA: Throat & Third Eye ChakraPLANETS: Jupiter & NeptuneMOHS HARDNESS: 5 to 6 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I see clearly and speak with confidence.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli is a beautiful stone. It's...
Stone Name: LabradoriteOrigin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Leo, Scorpio, SagittariusCHAKRA: Third Eye & Throat ChakraPLANETS: VenusMOHS HARDNESS: 6 to 6.5 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I welcome transformation into my life.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 6 & 7 Labradorite Labradorite is a gemstone that is said to have...