• Healing Crystals ~ Magical Antidotes from Womb of Mother Earth
Lapis Lazuli 1 Inches Merkaba
  • SKU: Lapis Lazuli 1 Inch Merkaba - 1 Piece

Lapis Lazuli 1 Inches Merkaba

$15.00 $21.00

    Stone Name: Lapis Lazuli
    Origin: India

    ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Sagittarius, Libra 
    CHAKRA: Throat & Third Eye Chakra
    PLANETS: Jupiter & Neptune
    MOHS HARDNESS: 5 to 6 Hardness
    AFFIRMATION: I see clearly and speak with confidence.

    Meaning of "Merkaba" 

    The term "Merkaba" has a long history and is filled with spiritual transformation energy.

    A Merkaba Star, sometimes known as a Mer-ka-bah Healing Crystal, is a vehicle of Divine Light that is utilized by Seekers, Healers, and Realm Walkers - the Masters - to journey into the Astral realms and communicate with higher realm light beings.
    It is a tool for Ascension. 

    "A simple mathematical calculation will tell you why the letters of "Mer" are oriented like they are. Their meanings can be found by adding them together: Light + Spirit = Mer. The words "Ka" and "Ba" refer to the spirit/body and its surrounding counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), which transport.

    Advantages of Merkaba 

    A Merkaba is a three-dimensional Star of David made up of two interpenetrating three-sided pyramids. It generates the Merkaba effect, an energy field that connects the mind, heart, and body. The Merkaba enhances your aura and balances your aura on all spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional levels.

    The Merkaba is an energy field generated from the spinning of particular geometric forms that has the ability to affect one's spirit and body. It's a means for your mind, body, and spirit to get into other dimensions or potentials of existence. In reality, the Merkaba is much more than this.

    The Merkaba is a crystalline energy field combining the three aspects of mind, body, and heart. This sacred geometry-based energy field surrounds the body for 55 feet. The geometric energy fields on our bodies generally rotate close to light speed.

    The Merkaba is a vehicle that allows us to have greater awareness, connects us with advanced potentials of consciousness, and restores access and memory of the infinite possibilities inherent in our being. When the Merkaba meditation is done correctly, it seamlessly integrates our womanly (intuitive, receptive) and manly (active, dynamic) aspects.

    Benefits of "Lapis Lazuli" Merkaba Star

    The ancient Egyptians knew lapis lazuli as the "stone of heaven," and it was used in amulets, cylinder seals, scarabs, and funerary masks.
    Lapis Lazuli is excellent for balancing the Throat Chakra and connecting it to communication. Lapis encourages clear expression when communicating with others, including an easier ability to express anger. Lapis Lazuli, a Third Eye Chakra opener, links the physical and spiritual realms. Lapis is a deeply tranquil gemstone that may help one enter into mystical worlds and communicate with spiritual defenders.

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