Stone Name: Red AventurineOrigin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: AriesCHAKRA: Root & Sacral ChakraPLANETS: MarsMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am open to new possibilities and experiences.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 "This is a wonderful present for your loved one on a special day. This...
Stone Name: Red AventurineOrigin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: AriesCHAKRA: Root & Sacral ChakraPLANETS: MarsMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am open to new possibilities and experiences.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 Length : 1.5 Inches Weight : 66 Grams An incense stand, also called an incense...
Stone Name: Yellow Aventurine Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries, Gemini, TaurusCHAKRA: Scaral & Solar Plexus ChakraPLANETS: MercuryMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I maintain the thymus gland and nervous system.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 "This is a wonderful present for your...
Stone Name: Yellow Aventurine Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries, Gemini, TaurusCHAKRA: Scaral & Solar Plexus ChakraPLANETS: MercuryMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I maintain the thymus gland and nervous system.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 "This is a wonderful present for your...
Stone Name: Red AventurineOrigin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: AriesCHAKRA: Root & Sacral ChakraPLANETS: MarsMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am open to new possibilities and experiences.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 Length : 1.5 Inches Weight : 73 Grams An incense stand, also called an incense...
Stone Name: Red AventurineOrigin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: AriesCHAKRA: Root & Sacral ChakraPLANETS: MarsMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am open to new possibilities and experiences.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 Length : 1.5 Inches Weight : 66 Grams An incense stand, also called an incense...
Stone Name: Red Jasper Origin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries, ScorpioCHAKRA: Root ChakraPLANETS: MarsMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am open to all that is around me and all that is within meNUMERICAL VIBRATION: 6 "This is a wonderful present for...
Stone Name: Red AventurineOrigin: IndiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: AriesCHAKRA: Root & Sacral ChakraPLANETS: MarsMOHS HARDNESS: 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I am open to new possibilities and experiences.NUMERICAL VIBRATION: 3 Height : 6.3 Inches Weight : 489 Grams Benefits Crystals Angel Angels have reiki benefits...
Stone Name: Fancy JasperOrigin: India ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries and ScorpioCHAKRA: Root chakraPLANETS: JupiterMOHS HARDNESS: 2 to 7 HardnessAFFIRMATION: I make steady progress in improving my health and overall wellbeing, and allow ease in dealing with daily life.NUMERICAL...